Because Everyone Deserves a Place to Call Home

Our focus is on long-term solutions that lift families out of poverty and into a forever home.
When families have a place to call home, kids can be kids again. ForKids offers a comprehensive approach to families in need of housing or housing assistance, from emergency shelter and rapid rehousing options to supportive housing for families with disabilities.
Landmark Center

Housing Services

If you are in need of any services, call the hotline for screening at 
(757) 587-4202

91% of ForKids families have secured housing in the last year

629 families

served last year (2,062 individuals) in our housing stability programs


rents have risen since 2015 (per ODU State of the Region Report as of 12/31/23)
Landmark Center


Our Process

Families are first assessed through the ForKids Housing Crisis Hotline and then referred to shelter and housing services through a coordinated assessment process involving 14 cities across Southeastern Virginia.

Landmark Center

It’s Not Just About
Roofs and Walls

Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue, and simply housing our families is not enough. To effect lasting change, we must address the root causes of their homelessness. ForKids offers a comprehensive model of assistance that includes the following targeted services:

  • Housing-focused case management
  • Life skills training
  • Employment and financial literacy coaching
  • Healthcare coordination
  • Children’s education programming
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Advocating for Housing Affordability

Southeastern Virginia and other communities nationwide are in the throes of a housing affordability crisis. The ForKids Housing Crisis Hotline has been receiving a record number of calls, including calls from families facing eviction. Many of these are working families who have to choose between which bills they pay. Do they keep the lights on, cover medical costs, or pay their rent? More housing projects, more action from elected officials, and more community support is needed to truly help with the lack of affordable housing in Southeastern Virginia.


Keeping Families Housed

The Virginia Eviction Reduction Program (VERP)

Landmark Center

Evictions create long-term barriers to maintaining stable housing for families and can be costly for landlords. ForKids identifies participants through our Housing Crisis Hotline, as well as the court system, to help families prevent eviction and maintain their current housing.

Through VERP, our team provides timely financial assistance to help families meet their rent payments, as well as costs associated with utilities, transportation, childcare, and medical bills, for up to six months, to avoid eviction.

This assistance is designed with a focus on helping families sustain long-term housing stability, rather than mitigating immediate financial needs. Once housing is secured, ForKids offers VERP participants case-management services that include financial education, connection to resources, employment services, healthcare coordination, and resources for reliable transportation and childcare to reduce barriers that impede housing stability.